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Welcome to Treehouse Literacy! I offer comprehensive assessment and personalized intervention services to students struggling with dyslexia. With my expertise and individualized approach, I help students develop the skills and strategies necessary to achieve academic success and build confidence.

About Treehouse Literacy

We specialize in research-based literacy instruction and intervention for individuals with dyslexia. Additionally, we provide comprehensive assessments to evaluate and provide an educational diagnosis for dyslexia.


Contact us today to set up a meeting and discover how Treehouse Literacy can support you.

About Me

My name is Melissa Knighton

With a Master of Education and a reading endorsement from the University of Utah, I have over twenty years of experience working with students with disabilities and reading difficulties. Fueled by a passion for empowering individuals with dyslexia, I specialize in structured literacy intervention. I use evidence-based methods tailored to the needs of the student. I am always updating my knowledge of what works for people with dyslexia. 

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